Have mercy on me, Mother Earth, according to your steadfast love and abundant benevolence. Wash each of us thoroughly while the dreamers awaken from their slumber.

I know I have transgressed. I see before me the ways I have gone astray from your beauty and goodness.

Create in me a clean heart, Mother Earth, put a new and right spirit within me, so I may always know I am borne of you.

I know you desire wholeness, so I ask you to cleanse me with your salty tears, mycelium threads. that I might hear the roar of your mighty joy and gladness.

Through every petal, leaf and root, every star, moon and galaxy, every creature big and small, teach me your wisdom and compassion.

Restore me to the joy of your salvation, and sustain my willing spirit which holds no dominion over you, but seeks only to return to you.

May my tongue always sing your praise and glory, and never delight in your sacrifices. May my body work as your offering to this planet, so life is made safe – to endure.

May my thoughts of abundance always be acceptable to you, imbued with the kindling of tenderness and generosity.

Mother Earth, I pray you rebuild yourself, and that my ignorance has not broken your spirit. Delight in me as I delight in you on this altar of life that had a beginning and will someday have an end… by your hands, not mine. Amen.