Resiliency, Sustainability and Who’s Our Audience: Part 3 To Open Or Not To Open

By |2020-05-14T09:11:51-05:00May 14th, 2020|Articles - Leading Through Change, Disaster Recovery, Leading Through Change, Webinars and Videos|

Because we were in such a hurry to get church online, have we had a chance to stop and ask if what we are doing is working, and how we would know anyway. Statistics tell us 75% of churches have grown their "attendance" since beginning online services, but what does that really mean? Is attendance [...]

Scattered & Disrupted Church: Part 2 To Open Or Not To Open

By |2020-05-22T11:10:38-05:00May 11th, 2020|Articles - Leading Through Change, Disaster Recovery, Featured, Leading Through Change, Webinars and Videos|

American futurist Alvin Toffler said, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.” And so it is with these unprecedented times... being prepared and ready, while also remaining full of hope and expectancy for whatever church will be in the [...]

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Creating Easter Online

By |2020-03-29T16:22:56-05:00March 29th, 2020|Leading Through Change, Webinars and Videos|

This webinar is BETTER TOGETHER and how we do an online EASTER SERVICE. I offer some ideas, and ways of creating a service for Easter that incorporates elements we find so meaningful to this season, yet doing things differently. Participants include their own ideas as well, so check out the CHAT download document below, [...]

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Children’s Church – Getting Through It Together

By |2020-03-25T10:27:12-05:00March 25th, 2020|Disaster Recovery, Leading Through Change, Playtime, Webinars and Videos|

March 22, 2020 Children's Church Taking a cue from "The Day the Crayons Quit" by Drew Daywalt we can learn what it takes to get through anything together, when we see that everyone brings their gifts to every situation. And by remembering that when lots of things change, there are a few things that [...]

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Open to Receive While the Doors Are Closed

By |2020-03-25T11:06:50-05:00March 24th, 2020|Disaster Recovery, Leading Through Change, Webinars and Videos|

During this time of unprecedented change, how can we create maintain and create greater financial sustainability? Our spiritual communities continue and our congregants, ministries, service teams, volunteers, staff still need support through this season of irregular meeting. We are still in need of loyal stewards who will walk with us through thick and thin. DOWNLOAD [...]

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Quickly Getting Sunday Online

By |2020-03-25T09:37:13-05:00March 24th, 2020|Disaster Recovery, Leading Through Change, Webinars and Videos|

This video is about quickly getting your Sunday service online. It is not a step-by-step tutorial, rather it was done on a Friday afternoon with people who needed to be live streaming in less than 36 hours, and had never done it before. Keep in mind as you watch that it is a Zoom [...]

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Created Connected Communities Online

By |2020-03-25T09:37:23-05:00March 24th, 2020|Disaster Recovery, Leading Through Change, Webinars and Videos|

This video is about creating connection, empathy and a sense of belonging when you are online. Keep in mind as you watch that it is a Zoom meeting and answering questions as they arise, as opposed to a formal webinar. If the work I have done for you is meaningful [...]

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Words I Don’t Want to Say Together: Active Shooter & Church

By |2020-03-25T10:01:30-05:00November 10th, 2017|Articles - Leading Through Change, Community, Disaster Recovery, Faith, Leading Through Change, Religion, Uncategorized|

It seems horrifying to imagine that the places we have used for worship, sanctuary, community, fellowship, love and connection, places that for millennia have helped define our own identity are now having to be prepared for violence and death. I can’t even believe I am having to write these words. It pains me to know [...]


By |2020-03-25T10:00:43-05:00August 31st, 2017|Articles - Leading Through Change, Community, Disaster Recovery, Interconnected, Leading Through Change, News, Sacred Service|

As a Disaster Response/Recovery Chaplain (F5 Tornado in Joplin, Hurricane Katrina, as well as local support), I offer my experience to you as you are considering what and where to donate. When disaster strikes, every little bit does help, I just want to make sure that you/we make the most of our contributions, so please consider [...]

Spiritual Care During Times of Disaster

By |2020-03-25T10:01:06-05:00August 30th, 2017|Articles - Leading Through Change, Community, Disaster Recovery, Faith, Greater Reality, Interconnected, Interfaith, Leading Through Change, Religion, Sacred Service|

First let me start by saying I hold all those who have been affected by the devastation from #Harvey in my heart - enfolding all life, including those providing the necessary life giving aid, care and comfort. I can’t begin to imagine the fear, anger and terror being experienced. I am watching from a distance [...]


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