Easter: Finite Self Within Infinite Reality

By |2016-03-26T19:47:21-05:00March 29th, 2013|Christianity, Consciousness, God, Jesus, Religion|

The traditional story of Easter we pretty much know. Jesus is crucified, dies on a cross. He then is placed in a tomb only to resurrect three days later. There are four versions of the resurrection story, one in each of the canonical Gospels, and each a little bit different. The narratives are a combination [...]

The Eternal Growing Season

By |2018-02-09T19:26:45-06:00February 22nd, 2012|Christianity, Featured, Transformation|

As I look out my window and listen to the soft sounds of rain against the glass I am reminded of the rain’s fresh, cleansing power. I know with rain will come the new life of spring. I watch my world coming to life – seeing the daffodils and crocus peak their sleepy faces from [...]


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